Quick 10-Minute Workout For When you don't have the time

Regular exercise serves so many benefits, including those that are physical and long-term as well as impactful mentally. Just checking off this self-care item on your to-do list can feel accomplishing! The best part is that you only need a 10-minute workout to reap the mood- and health-boosting benefits!

Are quick workouts effective?

You don’t want put your time into something that isn’t effective but don’t worry – recent studies have suggested that quick workouts layered throughout the day can be just as effective as one longer session. 

Quick 10-minute workouts, especially HiiT based workouts have been shown to boost metabolism for hours after and raise the body’s metabolic rate throughout the day.

Shorter and quicker workouts can also help to improved energy levels, sleep, and cognitive functions, like short-term memory and decision-making. 


1. 10-minute full body AMRAP

AMRAP’s (As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible) are great ways to get a high intensity workout in. This bodyweight workout focuses on getting as many rounds as you can.

Work through the 5 exercises and set rep ranges, make sure to hold correct form throughout, ser you timer and go for it over 10 minutes. 

  • 5 x Burpees
  • 10 x Press Ups
  • 15 x Squat Jumps
  • 20 x Alternating Lunges (10 each side)
  • 25 x Jumping jacks


Don't fancy this one why not try the one below instead?


10-minute core circuit

Having a strong core is important for everyday activities as well other training, take the time out to work on strengthening it in this quick 10 minuet workout.

Work through the first 7 exercises for 1 minuet each, holding form and keeping engaged. For the last 3 hold for as long as possible of the minuet. 

  1. Dead bugs
  2. Leg Raises
  3. Russian Twist
  4. Single leg or V sit ups
  5. Bird Dogs 
  6. Heel Reaches
  7. Hollow Hold
  8. Reverse Hollow Hold
  9. High Plank
  10. Side Plank (30 each side)