how to feel refreshed not groggy after napping.


Are you finding it hard to stay awake or needing a good nap to in the day to sort yourself out? A good nap seems like a good idea and you really can’t beat it, can you? Well, until you wake up feeling groggy and worse than you did before.

But there is a rule on how to nap so it doesn't give you that groggy feeling. First we need to understand the importance of sleep itself.

Importance of sleep

As humans we need to switch off and give our minds and bodies a rest. We need to sleep for many reasons those including:

Energy conservation

When we sleep we conserve energy. Sleeping allows us to reduce our calorie needs by spending part of our time functioning at a lower metabolism.Although, to the surprise of some, we do still burn calories while we sleep.


The restorative theory puts forward sleep as a time when the body repairs itself. Many vital body functions occur overnight during sleep, including muscle repair, protein synthesis, tissue growth and hormone release.

Brain function

Brain plasticity theory proposes that sleep is needed for the brain to develop in structure and function. 

Emotional well-being

The effects of stress on sleep quality are well known, but there’s also evidence that sleep plays a role in regulating emotions. Getting a good night’s sleep is incredibly important if we want to feel good the next day.

Weight maintenance

Sleep can influence body weight because of the role it plays in controlling hunger hormones. Ghrelin, which increases appetite, and leptin, which increases the feeling of fullness, are the two main hormones. Lack of sleep elevates ghrelin and suppresses leptin, leading to increased hunger and appetite in the morning.

Immune system

Sleep and the immune system are deeply interconnected. When we don’t get enough sleep, we’re more susceptible to infection.


What happens when we don’t get enough sleep?

Lack of sleep is associated with many risk factors for serious conditions, and it can also have a significant effect on mental health. Consequences of sleep deprivation can include anxiety, depression, mood changes, poor memory, focus and concentration.

So what are the guidelines for napping

Keep naps short. Set an alarm and nap for only 10 or 15 minutes.

Take naps in the early afternoon. Napping after 3pm can interfere with night-time sleep.

Create a restful environment.

Move around soon after waking up.

Drink coffee before your nap. Drinking a cup of coffee before lying down to sleep can help you to feel alert after you wake up from a short nap. One UK study showed that a 15-minute “coffee nap” reduced driving impairments, subjective sleepiness, and indicators of drowsiness


Why not try our sleep box:

Our Sleep Box contains a 30 day supply of handpicked Vegan supplements to help you drift off into a peaceful night’s sleep.

Restless, sleepless nights could become a thing of the past if you introduce our Sleep Box into your daily routine. There’s no need to worry about nodding off unexpectedly, none of the products contained in the box induce sleep, rather the box provides the essential vitamins and minerals required to promote a better sleep pattern naturally. Many people are deficient in these key vitamins, particularly Magnesium, and occasionally poor sleep patterns are the result.